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- Green Lacewings (Controls Aphids) Mail-Back
Product Description
Green Lacewings (Controls Aphids) Mail-Back FREE SHIPPING
These beneficial insects called Green lacewing larvae are known as aphid lions because they can devour as many as 1,000 aphids per day. They remain as larvae for up to 21 days, making hearty meals of mealybugs, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, leaf hoppers, whitefly larvae, a wide variety of moth eggs and just about any other soft-bodied pest. The adult green lacewing feeds only on pollen, but it will immediately begin laying eggs. Shipped as eggs; 1,000 in an order. Gardeners simply mail in the postcards or register online to have their insect orders shipped to their doors at no extra cost.
How the Mail-Back system works:
Simply mail the enclosed postage paid postcard to Orcon with your address. (You may also fax the card or enter enclosed Purchase Code on our website www.organiccontrol.com). Receive in one order: 1,000 Green Lacewing eggs, use 2-3 per square foot.